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what is the function of the golgi tendon organ

Golgi sinew organ: anatomic structure, functions

The Golgi sinew organ, alo known a neurotendinou pindle, i a pecialized neurological formation, with a soaring cognitive content of collagen, that ha enory reception go. It i one of the pecialized organ tha

Golgi tendon organ: anatomical structure, functions


  • Anatomy
  • Features
  • - Myotatic reflex and change by reversal myotatic reflex
  • Myotatic reflex
  • Inverse myotatic reflex
  • - Clinical importance of the Golgi organ
  • References

The Golgi tendon reed organ, also called neurotendinous spindle, is a specialized neurological formation, with a high cognitive content of collagen, that has sensory reception functions. Information technology is one of the specialized organs that connect the muscle with the CNS.

This organ has a portion that is inserted in the muscle fiber and other that does it directly in the tendons. It is responsible for for informing the cerebral cortex of the level of stress of the muscles to nullify an exaggerated freight that causes a muscle injury.

Through the neurological impulse generated by the Golgi organ, the neural structure pallium buttocks get off an wakeful signal that relaxes a muscle in danger of injury. This mechanism is illustrious Eastern Samoa reverse myotatic reflex.

The rearward myotatic reflex serves as a defence to prevent brawn price so much as tearing and loss of tendon attachment.


The Camillo Golgi organ is made ascending of a thin body ready-made up of springlike collagen fibers that are capable of reacting to the contractions and stretches of the muscle fibers.

The collagen fibers that counterbalance the body of the Golgi organ are encapsulated. These capsules are made up of fibrous tissue and all one of them is connected to a set of muscle fibers, between 3 and 12, on one hand, and to the sinew itself on the other.

The connecting medical specialty cells pierce the capsule and branch within it. These cells are responsible carrying the nerve impulse from the muscle to the spinal anesthesia electric cord and finally from in that location to the neural structure cortex.

Likewise, the pallium sends neurologic signals back to the muscle that will show if IT is subject of exerting more tension or if it must relax to avoid damage.

Jerky muscle relaxation in the font of sinew overload is a defense reply that triggers the learning ability to preclude injury.


The Golgi tendon organ is part of the interoception system. This means that information technology is one of the specialized organs that sends entropy to the brain about its own movements and makes them aware.

The proprioceptive system of rules is made up of neurological receptors that are settled in the joints, muscles, and ligaments.

Proprioception indicates the status of the body, that is, muscle stretching and muscular contraction, degree of joint angulation, position of the upper and lower limbs, speed of movement, among others.

The Golgi organ is specifically amenable for sending selective information nearly the arcdegree of stretch and muscle tension.

This function is achieved through signals sensed by a medicine center that carries selective information to the spinal cord. In a fraction of seconds, this signal reaches the neural structure cerebral mantle and is processed.

If the muscle tension is too unnatural and the brain interprets information technology to live dangerous and can cause injury to that muscle, such arsenic a tear or red of swot attachment, a signal is sent back to stop bm and slack the muscle.

All this process is carried extinct mechanically. The individual does not make any of these neurological signals consciously, lone feels the pain and cancels the movement.

- Myotatic reflex and reverse myotatic reflex

There is a chemical group of muscle reflexes that are activated automatically in reaction to a movement that generates a high load on the muscleman and represents a danger.

The myotatic reflex and the reversal myotatic reflex are two of the reflexes of the mesomorphic organisation. These reflexes are activated by the systema nervosum as a defense reaction to prevent muscle damage.

Myotatic reflex

The myotatic reflexive is activated when in that location is an exaggerated stretching of muscles and tendons. When brawn fibers are elongated by stretching, a indicate is received that travels through the spinal cord to the brain. If this signal is processed as prejudicious to the muscle, muscle compression is activated to forestall scathe.

A long-familiar example of a myotatic reflex is the knee jerk, which is easy plant by the Dr. when stimulating the knee sinew with the physical examination hammering.

Inverse myotatic involuntary

Contrary to this, the verso myotatic reflex is activated in the event of an intense and sudden muscular tissue contraction.

To sympathise it, information technology is important to cognize that the Golgi reed organ is in constant communication with the central systema nervosum. Every time there is any degree of tension in the muscle fibers, this organ sends the similar signal.

The brain is responsible for processing the information conveyed and returns a motor reception soh that the necessary adjustments are ready-made to be able to execute the motility that is desired.

However, when there is a sudden muscle condensation and the muscle contracts and a unforeseen enthusiastic tension is generated, an intense point passes through the receptors of the Golgi organ to the spinal cord and the cerebral cortex.

Once the signal is released, the degree of tension on the muscle is understood. If the signal of contraction or overburden is translated as a grade of tension that can cause muscle pull injury or pull, an inhibition reaction is treated that results in muscle relaxation.

In this mode, the contraction is inactivated and the muscle relaxes as a defence chemical mechanism against the overload exerted.

- Clinical importance of the Golgi organ

When the Golgi organs are activated past the pure and discourteous musculotendinous tension, the phenomenon of the reverse myotatic reflex occurs, which results in the relaxation of the sinew.

All the same, as in many other movements, this reception becomes less intense atomic number 3 the muscle is accustomed to the layer of tension that is needed.

Thus, as a muscle tail end be stretched little past minuscule without causing the contraction caused by the myotatic reflex, a muscle prat maintain a sustained compression and reach higher levels of tension through regular training of that muscle group without being activated relaxation caused aside the reverse myotatic reflex.

High execution athletes essential turn to this resource in order to increase their loads. Especially runners and weightlifters, are benefited when training properly knowing muscle physiology.


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what is the function of the golgi tendon organ

Source: https://warbletoncouncil.org/organo-tendinoso-de-golgi-5658

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